
Ramadan Gana Season5

Ramadan Gana Season5
Mon, 11. March 2024, 21:00 h - Wed, 10. April 2024, 22:00 h
College Events


Welcome, we are pleased to congratulate you on the approaching month of Ramadan, and the announcement of workshops (Ramadan Gana Season 5), which are held under the auspices of Prof. Dr. Abdel Aziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University and Prof. Ali Abdul Mohsen, Vice President for Education and Student Affairs The workshops aim to support faculty members during the educational process, open discussion sessions, and participate in topics dealing with artificial intelligence in the teaching and e-learning processes. The workshops will be (Ramadan Jana on Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays of each week throughout the month of Ramadan from 9 to 10 pm Egypt time) Attached to the post is the schedule of workshops.

link for all workshops:

Participation link for all workshops:

Important notice: Certificates of workshops (Ramadan Gana) will be issued electronically, after filling in the data on the certificates link by the trainees during the workshop, so it was necessary to note that the names and any other data in the certificate will be the responsibility of the trainee and we will not be able to modify any data after issuing the certificate, the certificates will be sent on the mail immediately after the completion of the training. Welcome to you.

ramadan gna table